This journey led me from suicidal depression to ever-increasing and lasting joy!
Marc Preston Moss
Marc Preston Moss is the senior-most student of Geshe Jinpa Sonam, spiritual director of the Indiana Buddhist Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. He serves on the Board of Directors and teaches weekly introductory Buddhist philosophy courses. Marc also studied with Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, former spiritual director of the Tibetan Cultural Center and the Chamtse Ling Buddhist temple in Bloomington, Indiana. He also speaks publicly for the center around the state and has been a guest teacher of meditation and philosophy for many Dharma and wellness centers throughout the Midwest. As a student of Dharma, Marc’s travels have led him to India four times, studying in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, as well as in Mundgod, Karnataka, the seat of Drepung monastery.
When not engaged in Buddhist activities, Marc designs and choreographs for scholastic and independent competitive marching arts programs across the country. He has worked with over three hundred and fifty schools in the past thirty years. Marc attended Ball State University from 1991-1993. Currently, he resides in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Marc Preston Moss is also a practitioner and teacher of the Law of Attraction
A Word From The Indiana Buddhist Center Board President - Doug Stout
For years, Marc has been encouraging others on their journeys of discovery and personal insight as a principal teacher at the Indiana Buddhist Center. He is known for his energetic and engaging presence, for his deep knowledge, and his ability to clearly explain topics that can sometimes seem difficult to understand and are highly nuanced.
For anyone interested in exploring the world of Buddhist teaching, this book can be of great benefit. Marc gives us the gift of his deeply felt experiences, openly sharing his own suffering and difficulties. He takes us through his story of discovery and transformation, describing the events and challenges all along the way – encountering Buddhist teachings, the search to find qualified teachers, struggling with the esoteric aspects of the doctrine, committing to the path, and the personal changes he experienced as a result. May this book be of great help to you on your own journey.
Expand your understanding of what it means to be spiritual!
Buddhism is not merely sitting in lotus position mumbling ‘Om’ while closing your mind to reason. Buddhism welcomes skepticism - a major factor in my decision to become a Tibetan Buddhist.
Buddhism helps you view reality clearly, freeing the devoted practitioner from negative emotions, even so far as eliminating the fear of death. I truly believe that it offers a spiritual alternative to the LGBTQIA community who often find themselves closed out of other traditions. The Dharma teaches the importance of great compassion for all sentient beings - no one is left out.
My experience with a series of seemingly impossible coincidences solidified my resolve as a Dharma practitioner, each chipped away at the binding chains of habitual negative emotions, entirely freeing me of nightmares, depression, and anxiety. But the greatest gift on this path was a seemingly impossible coincidence with my mother’s passing that changed my sadness of losing her to the irrefutable realization that life does continue after the journey of the body has ceased. Her gift to me—and to many others who knew her and what also happened that night—was the total elimination of my fear of death.